Group Japanese Classes

2024 Courses

We have no group courses running in 2024. We apologise to those who wished to join a course this year. We hope to resume online group courses in 2025.

Our 12 week courses are for a variety of levels from Absolute Beginner to Advanced. See the schedule below for our class dates.


Absolute Beginner is for students who know either zero or close to zero Japanese.

Beginner 1-3 courses are for students who can read hiragana and can introduce themselves, and ask and respond to basic questions.

Beginner 4-6 courses are for students who can read hiragana and katakana easily, and can use verbs and adjectives to describe past and future events.

Intermediate 1-6 courses are for students who can use and understand some complex sentences (Between N5 and N4 level).

Upper Intermediate / Advanced courses are for students who are comfortable with everyday conversation and want to learn more advanced vocabulary and grammar.


Beginner courses follow the structure of the Genki 1 textbook. Intermediate courses follow the structure of the Genki 2 textbook.

There is no requirement to buy these books to join this course, study material is provided during and after the class. Some students do find it useful to have a copy of the textbook for reference.

Upper Intermediate course follows the Quartet textbook and workbook. Students ARE required to have a copy of this book for joining the Upper Intermediate course.

The Advanced course has no textbook and is discussion based.


Please contact to book a place or for a free consultation on which course may suit you best.

For first time students, the group courses cost 140 pounds. For new returning students the cost is 120 pounds.

This cost of the course includes the 12 1 x hour lessons, the lesson material, and homework activities sent after each class. (The cost of any books is not included).